Letter from the Editor
Dear Reader,
Welcome to Business World Magazine. Hopefully, we’re welcoming you back. If not, we hope to have the op-
portunity to do that next time.
For this month’s issue, we have continued to focus our attention on the growing international franchise indus-
try, and this edition features more exciting franchise opportunities than ever before. No matter what your field
of interest, in the coming pages you’re likely to read about a brand that captures your attention.
One of those brands, potentially, is Presse Café – a Montreal-born coffee and food sensation with stores in
places as diverse as Dubai, Bucharest, Morocco and Sydney. Presse Café is a young company with a passion-
ate and dynamic management team dedicated to making sure each franchise is a success, and that it uniquely
reflects its surroundings.
Another is Uptown Cheapskate, an up-and-coming “teen and young adult fashion exchange” franchise. At
Uptown Cheapskate, people can buy and sell new and like-new brand clothing and accessories for guys and
girls at extremely low prices. The resale industry is one that thrives in both up and down economies, and is on
the cusp of huge growth. Uptown’s CEO Scott Sloan tells us how their franchisees are taking advantage of that.
We were also lucky enough to talk with NOVUS Glass – the company that invented windshield repair. For
over 40 years, NOVUS have led the industry in research and development and led the world in fully guaran-
teed automotive glass service. Jim Olsen has been with NOVUS for 32 years. He tells us how franchisees can
achieve similar success.
For all those stories and a lot more, keep turning the pages – and then come back next month.
All the best,
The Editorial Team