Page 26 - BWM Oct 2012

| Business World Magazine |
October 2012
nizing there was no national brand for drug
testing, he combined the knowledge gar-
nered through this single drug testing facili-
ty, with his previous franchise industry expe-
rience, and created systems to franchise the
concept. “In 2006 franchises were awarded
on a regional basis to determine business vi-
ability,” Loeb says. By the end of 2008, Mi-
rando had determined there was a need to
take the concept nationwide, but since that
time a few modifications have been made to
the business concept.
Loeb joined the company inMay 2010
with more than 20 years of franchise sales ex-
perience. He has worked on “both sides of
the fence,” having been a franchisee in an-
other system prior to being involved with a
franchise system at the corporate level. “I
understand what it takes to become a fran-
chise owner,” Loeb says. He has designed a
very deliberate investigative process to assure
franchises are only awarded to qualified and
viable candidates.
ARCpoint’s ability to offer clients a complete
program management solution, customized
to meet their specific needs, sets them apart
ARCpoint Executive Team from left to right - Randy Loeb, VP franchise Development; Felix Mirando; John Sanders, CFO