Page 174 - BWM Oct 2012

| Business World Magazine |
October 2012
might prevent us from offering them other
solutions,” Brock says.
With respect to the environment, the
Association commissioned the first Alu-
minum Industry Sustainability report for
North America last year. It described the
uniqueness of aluminum among metals and
materials. The report stated that 75 per cent
of all aluminum ever produced is still in use
today, which is due to its inherent durability
and recyclability, Brock says.
What they also showed in the report
was that recycling aluminum saves 95 per
cent of the energy and greenhouse gases as-
sociated with primary production,” she says.
Recycling one aluminum can saves enough
energy to power a television for three hours.”
Recycling is really key to the aluminum
industry’s long-term success and its ability to
continue to be a highly sustainable industry,”
she adds.
One of the toughest industry challenges fac-
ing the aluminum industry is the uncertain-
ty of the global economy. To overcome this
challenge, the AluminumAssociation allows
members to pool their financial resources
collectively for information or advocacy,
instead of “bearing the costs individually,”
Brock says.
We think the aluminum industry is
well-positioned for the eventual upturn in