October 2012
| Business World Magazine | 159
their goals or they shouldn’t buy into any
model they’re investigating.”
Out of The Cleaning Authority’s 175
franchisees, 97 have an MBA. While new
owners aren’t required to have that level of
education, the brand does prefer those with
a form of educational and business train-
ing. Mainly, however, they look for some-
one with the fortitude, skill set and ability to
make their business an asset. “Our greatest
expertise as a business model is having built
and evolved systems, deliberately and strate-
gically, to help leverage labour,” Wexler says.
Cleaning Authority franchisees also
have unprecedented levels of support and
training. The company has annual conven-
tions, regional conferences, site visits and a
live web-based real-time system where every
franchisee can check real-time statuses of the
arrival and departure of the cleaning team
to a client’s home. They can also view what
the full cost of goods sold is, as well as the
actual profitability of the team once they’ve
finished servicing the house.
That data is collected and summarized
into weekly, quarterly and annual reports.
We are constantly aware of what’s going on
live real-time. Even if we had a great week,
we’re always looking at where we can pull a
lever to make next week even better,” Wexler
Environmental and sustainability practic-
es have become a significant focus for The
Cleaning Authority. All of their supplies and