| Business World Magazine |
October 2012
What makes their corporate culture unique
is the commitment of their staff – many of
whom have been with the company for more
than 10 years. Their Vice-President of Oper-
ations, for example, started out as a franchi-
see 12 years ago, and has been in corporate
for the last eight. Relationships are an inte-
gral part of the company. “The core culture
of the company is definitely one of longevity
and commitment,” Wexler says. That culture
is attractive to franchisees.
Another, more important factor that
attracts franchisees toThe Cleaning Author-
ity is the industry itself – it is one that’s uti-
lized by every household constantly. If they
are serviced properly, every customer be-
comes a repeat one.
When you look at it from the busi-
ness model perspective, most folks becom-
ing franchisees never considered residential
cleaning,” Wexler says. “Our model takes
that widget and applies very sophisticated
systems when it comes to customer acquisi-
tion and retention and profitability.”
Every franchisee has to consider two
things when joiningThe Cleaning Authority
brand.The first andmost important thing is a
return on investment (ROI). Anyone who is
the right fit as a franchisee is looking to build
a significant business to generate maximum
income. “If a franchisee can’t determine and
ultimately achieve a strong ROI, then it’s all
for not,” Wexler says.
The second factor is whatWexler refers