October 2012
| Business World Magazine | 137
networking and mentoring to help acceler-
ate the process. And those are all grounded
and pulled together with our Code of Val-
DreamMaker’s efforts have been re-
warded with a plethora of industry recog-
nition. Numerous publications, including,
Entrepreneur, Franchise Times, Successful
Franchising, Remodeling, Qualified Re-
modeler and Professional Remodeler have all
ranked DreamMaker as a top franchise op-
portunity, both nationally and internation-
ally. Dwyer himself, now 46, also received
recognition by Kitchen and Bath Business
magazine as one of the five professionals un-
der the age of 35 making an impact on the
According to Dwyer, the brand values
that type of recognition for the credibility
it lends them, and the confirmation it gives
them of their efforts to “elevate the industry.”
Moving forward, DreamMaker Bath &
Kitchen has a very clear aim: steady, stable
and profitable growth. “We’re not trying
to grow too fast. We want to grow wisely,”
Doug says.
A couple years ago, they created a ser-
vice brand within DreamMaker called Inde-
pendence by Design. That brand was created
to provide remodelings to accommodate
families with multigenerational needs and
people with mobility issues, or other such
challenges. In the next five to ten years,
Doug expects that brand to grow strongly
within the parent company.
We want to see DreamMaker deliver
on our franchisor brand position and our
consumer brand position,” Doug says in con-
clusion. “It’s important we deliver on those
with excellence. We have growth goals, but
that’s not the primary focus. The primary fo-