| Business World Magazine |
October 2012
the cutting edge of hearing solution technol-
ogy – a commitment that benefits Miracle-
Ear and all of their franchisees. “Technologi-
cal advances in the industry are significant,
so it’s good for us to have a strong worldwide
partner,” Beaufils says.
As a result of their partnership with
Siemens, Miracle-Ear is able to constantly
release new products with technological ad-
vances. Recent additions to their product
portfolio have included BlueConnect wire-
less hearing aid devices, invisible hearing
aids, and waterproof hearing aids, and in the
future Beaufils sees a future with hearing aids
that are compatible with smartphones.
Moving forward, Miracle-Ear is actively
looking for new owners. The last three years
have seen the business achieve tremendous
success in that endeavour, and Beaufils ex-
pects the coming years to match that success
or exceed it.
The future is very bright for us be-
cause of our consumer brand recognition,”
she says. “As we continue to expand – which
we are actively doing – we will continue to
touch more customers across America.”
In the long term, she sees more of their
business move into the online space. The