October 2012
| Business World Magazine | 103
ment mode, looking for new ways to grow.
They have some exciting events coming up,
Price says, such as their annual convention in
Las Vegas at the end of January. They always
prepare for upcoming conventions the day
after the current one ends.
We roll out all of our new services
and we have some great private-label prod-
ucts we’re introducing,” Price says. “I think
it’s going to be really exciting in 2013 with
the things we have coming out that the com-
munity and our franchisees are going to be
extremely excited about.”
The brand recently launched their new
Planet Beach smartphone app in the Apple
and Android store that makes it convenient
to schedule appointments, which is another
huge tool for our franchisees, but is equally
important for our members,” Price says.
Looking further ahead, the long-term
vision for Planet Beach is to expand to 750
locations between now and 2017. Every de-
cisionmade in their corporate offices is based
on that goal, or on ensuring that franchisees
and members are satisfied with the service.
We’re very optimistic that we’re going
to achieve everything we want to and more,”
Price concludes.