| Business World Magazine |
October 2012
The most valuable service the IFA provides
to members comes down to advocacy and
protecting the business model of franchising
from being “tinkered with,” Haller says.
Secondary services include education and
networking. The association offers a series of
educational events, online classes, webinars,
an annual convention, and a Certified Fran-
chise Executives program (CFE) – a des-
ignation that shows an executive has been
certified to the highest standards of quality
training and professionalism.
Anybody that receives the CFE designa-
tion agrees to uphold the Code of Conduct
of the IFA,” Haller says. “You can use it as a
selling point within your brand.”
The IFA works closely with state, federal,
local and international governments. They
educate the government on the creation of
paving the way for rec