November 2012
| Business World Magazine | 85
The craft of embroidery dates back to the dawn of civilization. From the moment primitive
man discovered strands of threaded material could conjoin pieces of fur, it was soon deter-
mined the same technique could add distinctive embellishments directly sewn into the fabric.
From functional applications, embroidery was then elevated into an art form unto itself. Evi-
dence of such artifacts is woven among antiquities of every culture on Earth - that’s just world
history. Today, there’s a company making history in the franchise world by offering options to
modern mankind which are high in customization, yet low in cost. For entrepreneurs, here’s
proof that with embroidered excellence comes great opportunities to earn.
f there’s been a downturn trend to the
national economy, it hasn’t impacted
operations at Hometown Threads, a
franchise specializing in the production and
retail of custom embroidered goods that ca-
ter to the demands of commercial clients and
consumers-at-large. In contemplating eco-
nomics of the era, President Bryan Hatch
says, “If anything, it has helped our business
Referring to their commercial accounts,
Hatch says the more that companies have
focused on their bottom lines and tried to
save money, the more they’ve discovered the
benefit of doing business with Hometown
Threads. As much as that may involve the as-
pect of affordability, it is important to under-
stand that the affordability simply wouldn’t
exist were it not for certain fundamentals
that govern Hometown Thread’s approach