November 2012
| Business World Magazine | 135
Roadway Express; and Frank, before joining
JLS, he spent 19 years managing customer
service and cartage operations for DHL Ex-
press. There are, of course, others, equally ex-
perienced and succinctly savvy, who not only
know what they’re doing, but know how to
do it the right way.
In terms of “the right way” – the foun-
dation for that is supported by corporate val-
ues Jarrett not only emphasizes, but enforces.
There are principles permeating all proto-
cols, and whereas goods can be transported
anywhere in the world, the corporate values
of JLS are mandated as “immovable.”
These command commitment to the
highest levels of ethical conduct, responsibil-
ity and accountability. Trust is consecrated
as the “cornerstone” of the business, and this
is clearly communicated to all. Business De-
velopment Director Mike Frank credits the
hiring of personnel that fully embrace such
concepts and commit to them in each inter-
action, as the primary, if not penultimate,
thing that separates JLS from other firms.
We invest in high integrity people, this is
what makes us most unique and what has
Michael Jarrett - President
Mike Frank-Director of Business