November 2012
| Business World Magazine | 113
Between fluctuations in the national economy, lowered insurance reimbursement
rates and legislative mandates relating to healthcare reform, the dynamics of
change in the healthcare industry has prompted some practitioners to abandon pri-
vate practice out of fear for their professional futures. The consequences pose dire
potential ramifications as to what passes for “quality” patient care. A group of doc-
tors in Florida are prescribing one remedy, and it comes with a healthy dose of real-
ity check.
ist in internal medicine,
Brian Polner, M.D. is Presi-
dent and CEO of South Florida-based
HealthwoRx, one of the largest cardio-
vascular-based, multi-specialty medi-
cal practices in the southeast region.
HealthwoRx patients benefit from the
services provided by more than two
dozen expert physicians who offer
state-of-the-art diagnostics and treat-
ment plans critical to a multitude of
care concerns. Polner’s expertise has
led to prestigious appointments which
include that of the Board of Merid-
ian Health ACO and a teaching posi-
tion with University of Miami’s Miller
School of Medicine. He has additional-
ly been honored for his work which in-
cludes such distinctions as the Florida
Medical Business Golden Stethoscope
Award for “Best Young Physician.”
In that he so fully understands
his work and issues coming to bear in
his industry, Polner speaks with ample
authority and credibility when he at-