December 2012
| Business World Magazine | 201
provided with a sort of grab-bag of good-
ies that included compact, fluorescent bulbs
and information on how to be more energy
efficient. The City essentially took some of
the steps they had followed to increase en-
ergy efficiency in their administrative corri-
dors, and imparted tips and tools that serve
citizens directly where they live. These citi-
zens are already enjoying reduced bills for
their energy consumption.
The incorporation of these environ-
mental and conservation strategies were
among aspects honoring City Manager Lew-
is when he recently received distinction as
2012’s Outstanding Public Administrator
by the Suncoast Chapter of the American
Society for Public Administration. Having
held the position of City Manager since May
2011, Lewis modestly fends off any credit
for sustainability efforts, saying real credit
is reserved for veteran city leaders and city
City Commissioner Tom Jones credits
fellow commissioners as well as North Port
citizens for embracing greater awareness of
the good that comes from being energy ef-
ficient. “As Commissioners, we’re as inter-
ested as anyone in conserving energy and be-
FL Friendly Landscaping At Park
City Landscaper - NorthPortFL
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