Six billion dollars of mining infrastructure



Six billion dollars of mining infrastructure projects could potentially be built around the Broken Hill region over the next decade.

The creation of the Braemar Iron Alliance was officially announced yesterday at the Australian Resources and Energy Symposium in Broken Hill.

Spokesman and Managing Director of Minotaur Exploration, Andrew Woskett, says the region stretching from Peterborough in South Australia to Broken Hill is tipped to become Australia’s next major iron ore province.

Mr Woskett, says the Alliance is looking to develop common infrastructure including rail and a deep sea port.

“The rail will need to be expanded as time goes by, because what we see potential for the area, the region, the Braemar Ironstones to produce at least 20 possibly 50 million tonnes a year of concentrate.

“So 50 million a year of concentrate powder, going down a slurry pipeline or going down a railway line, to a port going on to ships to China,” he said.

“What the group does not want to do is to have a piecemeal approach, we want to have a whole of industry approach where we develop infrastructure that meets the needs of all of the industry rather than just one of two explorers.”