Prosperous year for Australians, predicts PM


Prime Minister Julia Gillard is optimistic about 2011, saying Australians will do amazing things this year.

“We have much to look forward to,” she said in her New Year message.

Australia could start 2011 confident in its future as a fair and prosperous nation.

“I also think the harder we work, the luckier we get,” Ms Gillard said.

“In our mines, in our factories, in our hospitals, in our schools and even on patrol outside Tarin Kowt (in Afghanistan), Australians will do amazing things this year.”

The prime minister nominated a number of challenges facing the nation in 2011.

“Like creating jobs in a strong economy, giving every child a great start in life at school, tackling climate change and persevering in our mission in Afghanistan.

“My overwhelming sense at the start of this New Year is optimism.”

Ms Gillard said Australia was “a wonderful country, the greatest country on earth”.

“I know this year we can do great things together.”

Source: www.