Police warn workers to avoid Brisbane’s CBD today


POLICE have warned all Brisbane residents to avoid travelling to the city centre if at all possible today as a record flood threat looms.

Flood predictions suggest many inner city suburbs may be inundated and police advise against all non-essential travel.

Energex has also advised that power to sections of the CBD will be cut from 8.30am and it is highly likely that many workplaces will not open.

”Police recommend exercising caution and minimising travel in such rapidly changing conditions,” said a spokesman.

Flooding risks are predicted to get much worse on Thursday and police are ”strongly advising against all travel” in or around flood affected areas.

The police spokesman added: ”Queensland Police request all Queenslanders act sensibly during the ongoing flooding crisis, and consider the safety of all, at all times.

”Drivers are asked to avoid travel if possible, and if a journey must be taken, drivers are reminded to stay out of flood water and to drive according to conditions.”

Evacuations of a number of Brisbane suburbs are likely on Thursday when the river peaks and it is planned to have an increased police presence in and around all evacuated properties.

”Police remind motorists not to attempt to cross flooded roads or causeways.  Do not risk your life, the lives of those in your vehicle and the lives of rescuers.  Nothing is so important that you need to enter floodwaters,” warned the spokesman.

Source: www.couriermail.com.au