IBM foresees 3D holographic mobile calls by 2015


By Adam Hartley

Future-gazing from IBM Research

The latest research from computing giant IBM claims that consumers should be able to buy mobile phones by 2015 that will project small 3D holographic images of the person they are calling.
The latest future forecasting comes straight out of International Business Machines’ Almaden Research Center campus in the Santa Teresa Hills of San Jose, California.

IBM also claims that, in addition to 3D holographic mobile calls, our mobile tablet PCs and laptops will be able to be powered by kinetic energy.

Annual future-gazing list

Every year the New York-based company asks its 3000 researchers to find five ideas which they think will become entrenched over the next five years.

3D holographic mobile conversations are at the top of the 2010 list of predictions from IBM.

“These are all stretch goals, and that’s good,” Discern analyst Paul Saffo. “In an era when pessimism is the new black, a little dose of technological optimism is not a bad thing.

“[IBM] has continued to do research when all the other grand research organizations are gone,” added Saffo.

IBM invested $5.8 billion in research and development last year.

“All this demonstrates a real culture of innovation at IBM and willingness to devote itself to solving some of the world’s biggest problems,” said Josephine Cheng, a vice president at IBM’s Almaden lab.
