Child dead, hundreds flee in Ipswich

By Courtney Trenwith

More than 1000 Ipswich residents have evacuated their homes as floodwaters continue to rise in the city.

The Bremer River is now expected to peak at more than 21 metres at 1am tomorrow (Queensland time).

Hundreds of people have flocked to an evacuation centre at the Ipswich Showground with other locations, including the Ipswich Girls Grammar School, also opening its doors.

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The swollen river is rushing through parts of the city and a number of streets are completely submerged under metres of water.

The majority of evacuees are from the suburb of North Ipswich and police are advising households near the Bremer River to consider leaving.

SES controller Arie van den Ende said today a child was killed when floodwaters hit the region.

“They got the mum but they couldn’t get the kid [out of floodwaters],” he told AAP.

Ipswich Mayor Paul Pisasale said earlier up to one third of the city could be flooded when the Bremer River peaks.

Cr Pisasale said there were “hundreds of streets” that would be closing.

“People have got to prepare for the worst,” he said.

Scott Blanchard evacuated his wife and four young children, including a baby, to a friend’s house at lunchtime.

At 6.30pm he was filling his car as the water inched closer to his North Ipswich home, which is likely to be inundated later tonight.

“I’m resigned to the fact that this is probably going to take a lot of water on board,” he said.

“It’s concerning. I hope what I’m doing is precautionary.”

Mr Blanchard bought the property on the understanding that the Q100 flood zone was halfway across the road, but believed the once in 100-year event had occurred in 1974.

Frank and Shirley Welch were watching the flood rise towards their newly renovated rental property on Fitzgibbon Street in Ipswich North.

They had only recently finished a renovation that took two years. Water is already under the house next door and is expected to reach their house within hours.

Dave Boland, 22, has been helping friends evacuate all day. After clearing out his cousin’s salon in town and lent a hand to with five friends to Vince Heffernan who is moving as much as possible from his Fitzgibben Street.

In 1974, the flood reached his roof.

“Its hard to believe, you have to see it to believe it,” Mr Boland said.

“They talk about in 1974 but you don’t know until you see it.”

Residents at the Ipswich Heritage Lodge boarding house, located on the corner of Bremer Street and King Edward Parade, are preparing to relocate to higher ground.

Lodge caretaker Tony Pisasale, brother of mayor Paul Pisasale, has filled up two vans with his belongings.

He has already moved one vehicle to a safer location and is ready to leave as soon as the floodwaters threaten the area.

”As soon as it comes across the road, I’ll evacuate and take the van up town. Then I’ll walk back and see what happens”’ he said.

Mr Pisasale said he was unable to move his 13 pet budgerigars, as he kept them in a fixed cage.

Authorities are reportedly not allowing residents to bring their pets to evacuation centres, insisting they be housed at the local pound.

Lorna Wells, who runs the lodge, has decided to stay put as she does not believe the flood will affect the site.

She has told tenants to move their belongings if they wish.

Power has been cut in many areas, with almost all businesses along Brisbane Road through the city centre, without power.

Car yards have moved vehicles to higher ground while major shopping centres, including Ipswich Shopping Plaza and Riverlink Plaza, near the Bremer River, have closed.

Bob Gartside is desperately trying to move more than $500,000 worth of heavy machinery and another $100,000-$200,000 worth of materials and tools from his motor mower sales and service business on Bremer Street, near Pine Street.

Employee Nathan Jones said his boss was concerned the expected river peak would inundate his business as well as his home, which is located above the workshop.

He said in 1974, the flood almost reached the ceiling of what is now Mr Gartside’s home.

“They’ve just renovated upstairs … everything up there might go,” Mr Jones said.

Onlookers are gathering along the river to watch fast flowing water, which is quickly rising.

David Terare and Pat Melling could not believe how high the flood had risen on King Edward Parade, which runs along the Bremer River.

“It’s pretty distressing,” Mr Terare said. “I’ve never seen it this high. We’ve got the tow rope on in case anyone needs a pull out of a creek.”

Mr Melling, who lives in North Ipswich, said he was not too concerned about his house but the floods were already surprising him.

“We’ve seen it come up lapping the gutters but never this far up, this is phenomenal,” he said.
