Yoder Lumber - page 10

impact, so they will continue to work with
Yoder Lumber works closely with certified
foresters to ensure proper harvesting, and
master loggers use advanced equipment and
techniques to minimize residual damage to
the forest.
Their facilities are designed to use as much
of every log as possible to reduce waste.
One-hundred percent of the wood-fiber by-
products are used or sold, eliminating the
need to send any by-products to landfills. A
significant portion of thewood by-products
are used to heat 10 kilns, as well as their
offices andmanufacturing facilities.
As much he covets the positive feedback
from the
outside, however, Yoder saidmany
of his best moments on the job have come
because of the internal employee culture
that’s been created over seven decades. And
while the aforementioned dark days a few
years back were undeniably harrowing, it’s
the strength of the company’s core that
reinforced his belief that the dreariness
wouldn’t be permanent.
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