162 | BusinessWorld |
May 2014
America and into Latin America, where
Ri t ta l ha s warehous ing and sma l l
modification capabilities.
“We’re across many different industries and
many different manufacturing sectors,”
Benson says.
“That diversity enables us to more
appropriately optimize our facilities. It
allows us to get exposure to new technology
and to enhance our internal processes. Our
global Rittal design strategy also provides
synergies for our local product offering.”
Rittal’s most recent investments in the
Urbana facility have been made to develop
additional automation capabilities, which
will enable it to improve its reproducibility
and repeatability and, Benson said, “will
ultimately continue to propel our strong
qua l i t y image that we have in the
The company has also embraced the Industry
4.0 concept – also known as the fourth
industrial revolution – that was presented to
Rittal Corporation
| BusinessWorld-
Magazine | 4