City of Orillia - page 3

Orillia’s DPW follows a master
blueprint to maintain city-wide
City of Orillia | BusinessWorld-Magazine | 1
eorge Bowa is still new to the city
of Orillia, but he’s very familiar
with the neighborhood.
As director of public works in a south-central
Ontario city of nearly 31,000 residents, the
graduate of both McGil l University
(bachelor’s degree) and the University of
Ottawa (master’s degree) is perpetually
endeavoring to do as much as he can
practically with whatever he’s allotted
It’s a role similar to one he played for 18
years about 200kilometers to the southwest
in Waterloo, and for another seven years
and 50 kilometers west in Stratford. So,
while the geography and some specifics
might change from place to place, the
challenges rarely do.
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