Town of Stony Plain - 2014 Brochure - page 3

Town of Stony Plain poised for
return to boom years
Town of Stony Plain
| BusinessWorld-
| 1
t’s beginning to look a lot like 2005 in
Stony Plain. Population is steadily
increasing. Applications for building
permits are on the rise. And an overall
feeling of progress and vitality is tangible in
the 100-plus-year-old central Alberta town.
But where the last such advance left chaos,
the 2014 version has a decidedly different
In fact, according to Jean Porteous, Stony
Pl a in’s d i r e c tor o f p l ann ing and
infrastructure, it’s the lessons learned from
past rises that will stave off a repeat of the
problems that can follow.
“Everybody thinks that we’re on the
precipice of another boom,” she said. “You
talk to the land development industry, and
they’re just going like gangbusters this year.
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