Emergency Health Service | 15
tional recognition and profile of the system,
leader inmodel design for other jurisdictions
and third-party validation of system design
and performance through multiple accredi-
tations. The system is a ‘made in Nova Scotia’
solution that is high-quality, affordable and
Nickerson concurs, while simultaneously
looking forward to a bright future, with even
more to do.
“When there’s a 911 call, we have to be
there,” he says. “The system will respond.”
Many communities in Canada and the
United States think about the three public
safety organizations – police, fire and ambu-
lance – as the more historical first respond-
ers. But that will change going forward, he
“We’re drifting away from that. We’re
not exclusively focused on our public safe-
ty role,” Nickerson says. “Not only are we a
co-responder with public safety, we’re also
about mobile healthcare and we have moved
into the realm of an enhanced role in prima-
ry care in communities across Nova Scotia.”