8 | May Group International
incorporation of equipment that can add ca-
pability or functionality, or increase produc-
tivity, while not calling for additional struc-
tures on the existing campus.
Case in point, MGI recently added 150-
watt CO2 lasers to boost the company’s
capacity for etching, cutting and engraving
woods and plastics to create different com-
ponents. May Group completed purchase
in March of a state-of-the-art $500,000 digi-
tal printer that will print six times faster than
existing equipment, at a higher resolution.
Another source of comfort for business
partners: Nearly everything with the May
Group’s name on it is manufactured domes-
“That is a No. 1 selling point in many situ-
ations,” saidMatt Shumate, the company’s di-
rector of business development. “You can see
their eyes light up when we tell them “we’re