4 | Iberostar Hotels & Resorts
pool deck, onto the beach and the ocean.
“So, architecture-wise, it’s fantastic and
it’s very well thought through. When you ar-
rive you get that wow experience. It’s a very
detailed space with high ceilings and it makes
a great first impression.”
The property actually includes three dis-
tinct hotel facilities – comprising 1,000
rooms total – and each has its own front-
desk operation with dedicated staff. The en-
tire footprint stretches alongside three-quar-
ters of a mile of Caribbean Sea beachfront
on the island’s northwest end, and is another
half-mile in width to accommodate the re-
sort’s various buildings and amenities.
Iberostar’s executive chairman looked at
several areas upon first seeking a site in Ja-
maica, and, thanks to an acquaintance in the
RoseHall development community, was able
to secure the location that was once home to
the Ritz-Carlton beach club. The aim was
to find a place that was within convenient
proximity to Montego Bay and could take
advantage of the spectacular potential of the
The company is headquartered in Mallor-
ca, Spain and operates more than 100 four-
and five-star properties in Spain, the Medi-