Reach Air Medical Services - page 15

Reach Air Medical Services | 15
AirMedCare Network. Members have ac-
cess to a growing fleet of over 220 bases
coast to coast. In the case of any emer-
gency or critical needs, should a member
require medical air service, no transport
fees will be assessed. Members simply
pay an annual fee of $65 and lower for
group coverage. This membership covers
anyone in their household. “That’s a huge
benefit and provides piece of mind in an
emergency because Members won’t incur
out of pocket expense for their transport.
A person’s insurance status or pre-exist-
ing conditions are not a factor – anyone
can be a member, and memberships are
significantly less than what a transport
might cost otherwise,” explains Blair.
She adds that REACH is currently work-
ing to expand its membership program,
while also intently observing the chang-
ing dynamics in healthcare prompted by
legislative reforms. Blair expresses confi-
dence that REACH will continue to reach
its goals in terms of market service cover-
age as well as the continuity of its service
quality. As Blair says, “At the end of the
day, our focus is making the right choic-
es for patients ... doing the right thing to
help the patient ... that has helped guide
our business decisions in the past and
will continue to guide us as we move for-
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