MGA - page 10

10 | Mid Georgia Ambulance
in the delivering of babies. “Dispatch-
ers seldom receive recognition for the
skilled and compassionate care they pro-
vide, but we’ve had many people credit
our team for providing instructions and
helping callers remain calm in very tense
situations. That voice over the phone is
so essential in ensuring everything runs
smoothly and ensuring successful patient
outcomes,” says Abel-Kiker.
When it comes to running smoothly,
MGA is also equipped with some of the
best fleet maintenance technicians in the
industry; experts certified through the
National Institute for Automotive Service
Excellence. MGA has more than 50 am-
bulances and over the course of a year,
these mobile emergency rooms will log
upwards of two million miles to fulfill
care through central Georgia. MGA’s me-
chanical professional are vital to that pro-
Abel-Kiker asserts that MGA operations
embrace a team approach, committed to
not only working together, but working
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