Kenwood Painted Metals - page 3

Kenwood Painted Metals, Inc. | 3
Michelangelo once said, “Aman paints with his brains and not his hands,” but added,
“Good painting is the kind that looks like sculpture.” And with respect to the intelli-
gence, innovation and expertise of a modern master in the production of painted met-
als, capabilities in coatings have not only contributed to visual aesthetics in a range
of engineered products, but have also imparted important benefits to industry and the
For more than thirty years, Kenwood
Painted Metals of Olympia Fields, Illi-
nois, has been respected as a one-stop-
shop and solution for sourcing pre-paint-
ed metal products, yet it also attracts
appeal for value-added services that al-
low for processing, packaging and a spe-
cial stocking program that accommodates
just-in-time delivery. While Kenwood’s
processing operations provide everything
from blanking, embossing, laminating
and leveling to shearing and slitting, and
its stocking capacity enables customers to
gratefully offset costs conventionally as-
sociated with inventory control, this com-
pany wields ultimate mastery in the field
of painted metals. In this case, do trust
there’s much more to it than meets the
eye. Anyone misguided by a notion such
applications simply involve the slather-
ing of some colored-coating onto a com-
ponent - think again. The chemical prop-
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