County of Grande Prairie | 5
infused theatre named in honor of actor
Dan Aykroyd, two educational classrooms
and a palaeontology lab that specifically ca-
ters to the needs of working scientists. “We’ll
create the most significant cultural facility in
northwest Alberta,” says Brake, adding that
other elements will include a gift shop and
restaurant. Designed by Edmonton-based
Architecture ATB and Toronto-based Tee-
ple Architects (and built by PCL Construc-
tion), Brake says the site is being developed
consistent with LEED standards and will be
comprised by state-of-the-art technology as
well as the most advanced of electrical and
mechanical systems. The project reflects $35
million in investments. Thus far, $12.6 mil-
lion has been contributed by the County of
Grande Prairie, $10 million has been provid-
ed by the Alberta Government and the City
of Grande Prairie has pledged $3.5 million.
Brake says additional support has come from
the professionals in the energy sector and a
host of community benefactors. In prepara-
tion for the education programs sponsored
by the museum, interactive, curriculum-con-
nected programs have already been trialed
among 7,000 students, and Brake says he has
been excited by the “phenomenal” response