St. Christopher Air & Sea Ports Authority | 9
tegic moves implemented by SCASPA to
strengthen its financial position.
More recently, SCASPA has advanced
other initiatives which further demonstrate
the beneficial impact this authority has made
on the present economy, and to be sure, that
bodes potential for an even greater future.
Seaport Manager Loui Hendrickson says
the mission of SCASPA not only involves a
mandate to provide safe and secure air and
sea ports services in full compliance with in-
ternational standards and best practices, but
also to support sustainable growth and de-
velopment in St. Kitts, in such a way, as to
exceed customer expectations. As Hendrick-
son says, “Whatever happens at the ports
directly affects the overall economy ... we
believe that by working closely with the pri-
vate sector and understanding their needs,
we can fulfill our function to encourage and
facilitate economic development, which not
only supports St. Christopher, but the entire
region and the business which operate in the
The fulfilling of SCASPA’s mission is
clearly evidenced on several fronts. For ex-
ample, SCASPA negotiated an agreement
with a company known as Veling Limited to
build a new Private Air Terminal at the Rob-
ert L. Bradshaw International Airport. De-
signed by India’s internationally acclaimed
architect Bobby Mukherji, the infrastruc-
ture includes a new lounge, business centers,
state-of-the-art services and a courtyard,
particularly designed to cater to high-end
visitors which are considered an expand-
ing niche market of growth for St. Kitts. In
launching the project, Prime Minister of St.
Kitts and Nevis Dr. Denzil Douglas said,
“The agreement between SCASPA and Vel-
ing Limited for the construction of a world
class Private Air Terminal facility to be used
by local operators will significantly advance
the quality of service provided on our Air-
port.” He said by providing passengers with
greater comfort, enhanced service efficiency
in services and improved facilities, further
benefits would be realized throughout all of
St. Kitts’ economy – and he was right. Air ar-
rivals have increased; a clear demonstration
of the essential role SCASPA performs in
contributing to the growth of the nation.
St. Kitts has also experienced an incred-
ible increase in arrivals from cruise ship pas-
sengers. Hendrickson says port operations
today accommodate some 500,000 annual
arrivals, but he anticipates that number to in-
crease to as many as 750,000 people. At pres-