8 | PHSC
through HLAC and IAHTM. PHSC has
undertaken the extensive auditing and in-
spections of its operational platforms, worker
training, safety standards and record keeping
necessary to achieve HLAC accreditation.
Through her affiliation with IAHTM, Lark
has means to readily access an international
composite of healthcare laundry profession-
als such that if a question should arise, or
some issue should present itself, she can se-
cure advice to report back to the healthcare
professionals PHSC serves. She calls this “an
invaluable resource for laundry executives
throughout the world.”
While PHSC may directly serve healthcare
operations throughout Portland, the fulfill-
ing of that work has fostered collaboration
with some of North America’s leading man-
ufacturers whose products and services are
essential to everyone in this industry. This
has led to not only operational benefits, but
benefits for the environment in the Pacific
Northwest. For example, when PHSC’s cur-
rent facility was being designed more than
ten years, they worked closely with equip-
ment manufacturers to arrange the layout so
that it was more efficient in use of natural re-