LHP - page 7

LHP Telematics | 7
becomes the equipment OEM’s own unique
solution - a stand-alone innovation for the
imparting of data displayed through a por-
tal congruent with the OEM’s equipment,
something that doesn’t look or operate quite
like any other solution available on the mar-
ket. LHP Telematics has grown to offer the
most configurable embedded applications
available in the market, all designed to im-
prove equipment utilization and provide
a fast return on investment through the
monitoring, measuring and controlling of
data. Through LHP Telematics engineering
services, equipment owners are able to de-
fine the reports that help them glean insight
on ways to better leverage their investment
through custom data reports and automatic
notification of events in the field.
It is in this capacity that LHP Telemat-
ics has garnered acclaim as one the most dy-
namic telematics software and applications
providers in the industry. To put that in per-
spective, consider LHP Telematics and the
telematics hardware provider Morey both
earning of the M2M Value Chain Awards
from Manitowoc. The award stemmed from
LHP Telematics participation in the cre-
ation of “CraneSTAR,” a built-in fleet man-
agement tool that provides worldwide access
(via a 24/7 website) that imparts all manner
of vital information from the crane, includ-
ing localization, working time, security infor-
mation, maintenance plan, and more. Data
relating to the crane’s operating conditions
are transmitted to a central database where
managers can then monitor that data from
any online device. CraneSTARwas ultimate-
ly deployed on over 100 different models of
Manitowoc cranes in factories throughout
the US, Germany, France, Italy, India, and
China. This is, however, just one example.
As Jones says, LHP Telematics provides a
limitless value proposition for many equip-
ment OEMs, whether they offer telematics
as a factory-installed aspect of their manu-
facturing process or as a purchasable option.
John Deere is a customer of LHP Telematics
and in September 2013, Deere & Company
made an equity investment in LHP Telemat-
ics. The Illinois-based Deere is the world’s
leading manufacturer of agricultural equip-
ment and services under the John Deere
brand as well as a leading producer of prod-
ucts and services for construction, forestry
and turf care.
In accounting of the benefits, Jones offers
an example in which one manufacturer dis-
covered that after installing telematics as a
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