Knickerbocker - page 11

Knickerbocker | 11
that people adhere to, and our club is about
more than golf ... our club, our members,
care about their families and care about
the community, that’s one of the reasons
why we’re a very family-oriented.
Whatmight thenext 100years atKnick-
erbocker look like? Inglis provided a little
insight into this, saying “The Board has
commissioned a strategic planning com-
mittee which is hard at work developing
a vision that will serve as Knickerbock-
er’s road-map to the future ... This will
be very helpful to myself and the Board,
going forward...It is not complete yet but
it will continue to embrace family val-
ues, and continue to appeal to families in
this area. It will include maintaining the
quality of our offerings and where there
is opportunity, improving the quality, and
making our offerings more relevant to the
young families of the 21st century. The
beginning of 2015, being our 101st year,
we hope will be the marker of the start
of a second century of the Knickerbocker
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