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for example the USGA offers members
complimentary admission to all USGA
Championships and the PGA similarly
allows members (and their spouse) com-
plimentary admission to the PGA Cham-
pionship, the Senior PGA Championship
and all PGA Tour events.
Despite experiencing some impact
at the height of the recession, the future
for the golf industry appears prosperous.
Apel notes that the National Golf Foun-
dation reports over 900 development
projects currently underway in more than
125 countries throughout the world. He
anticipates that interest in golf as well
as demand for new courses will increase
given the sport’s inclusion in the upcom-
ing Olympics. As Apel says, “It’s an ex-
citing time for the industry and the teams
of professionals that make this one of the
world’s greatest industries.”
To learn more about the programs, ser-
vices and details of how to join the Golf
Course Builders Association of America,
visit the website at