Bridgetown - page 7

Bridgetown Cruise Terminals | 7
of more than 726,000 visitors, a bit of a dip
from the more than 812,000 that visited in
2004, a decline Roach attributes to impacts
associated with the economic recession. This
year, however, numbers reflect increasing
visitation and that’s a good sign for as Roach
says, “Cruise, tourism is a major contributing
factor to the strength of the local economy.
The terminal supports many different shops
and service operators on our site, but we also
provide the passage to which visitors go on
to connect with other businesses and service
providers in Barbados.”
Roach says the burdens of duty have been
lightened by having the highest quality fa-
Cruise visitors returning from a tour of the island
1,2,3,4,5,6 8,9,10,11,12
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