Tecta America | 13
who are increasingly looking for buildings
with such functional fortitude. For builders
and building owners that are pursuing LEED
certification, these applications all contribute
valuable points in the process. A final, and
for some, the most important benefit comes
from the ability to operate in a manner that
is eco-sensitive and environmentally pru-
dent. Hagan says some customers are less in-
terested in the cost savings such applications
allow, but see Tecta America’s contributions
as being aligned to their own respective goals
in achieving greater sustainability and being
professionally accountable for the carbon
footprint they are leaving on the planet.
“There are many companies striving to
make some sort of sustainability approach
in the market, and they’re adopting pro-
grams or appointing personnel to help drive
their efforts. Some feel it is vital to have
some skin in the game because that’s what
their competition is doing. Some do it be-
cause they want and need to be financially
conservative. For many others, they’re do-
ing it because they know it is the right thing
to do. They genuinely want to contribute
something that is environmentally benefi-
cial and create a great space that their co-
workers, their communities, can really be
proud of,” says Hagan.
Green Intensive Roof