PopCorners | 7
frequently affecting workers at popcorn fac-
tories. For those drawn to the aromatic aes-
thetic in a piping-hot bag of butter-flavored
popcorn fresh from the microwave, beware
the danger in inhaling diacetyl.
Such health issues don’t come into play
with PopCorners. For examples, ingredi-
ents in PopCorners’ Kettle Corn variety is
simply sugar, sea salt, sunflower oil and yel-
low corn enriched with B-family vitamins
such as niacin, thiamine and riboflavin. A
similar formulation is found in the butter,
sea salt, caramel, white cheddar, and cheesy
jalapeno flavors. “PopCorners are an all-
natural, gluten-free and Kosher Certified
snack” says Renow, who also indicates the
company is moving to expand the line with
Non-GMO profiles, specifically as it relates
to whole grain offerings. Renow adds that
“the consumer can also look forward to new
flavors that include Sweet Cinnamon, Mem-
phis Barbeque and Twisted Salt in a GMO-