Green Power Partnership | 5
incorporated the application of these renew-
able energy resources.
The partnership extends an open invitation
for any U.S. company or institution to join,
except for sellers, suppliers, or marketers of
green power. Becoming a partner involves
committing to an agreement to use renew-
able energy in one’s operational platform.
And the ability to advance in such applica-
tions is significantly easier today due to the
information, resources, tools and perfor-
mance models one can readily access through
the Green Power Partnership. For many or-
ganizations, electricity usage is the primary
source of their greenhouse gas emissions.
EPA launched the partnership in 2001 to
help organizations dramatically reduce these
emissions by switching to green power.
In addition to providing frequent we-
binars, the EPA’s Green Power Partnership
offers technical assistance in identifying the
green power products that best meet any
organization’s goals. The program provides
relevant and timely answers to questions and
imparts all types of information through its
website. Collison says the core function of
the EPA’s role in the program is to help stake-
holders understand howbest to connect with
the solutions, peer groups, market standards
and other information to achieve their goals.