concrete. It additionally provides structural
waterproofing while concrete is poured;
prevents too-rapid evaporation of water in
the concrete to improve curing; and is resis-
tant to crushing which further conserves its
acoustic properties. INSONOMAT applies
and seals well with a convenient adhesive
strip, and due to its recycled material con-
tent, also conveniently contributes to LEED
Yet, whether it is insulation or waterproof-
ing membranes for virtually any type of sur-
face, SOPREMA’s range of products allows
the company to effectively respond to the
variety of needs in a variety of climate condi-
tions. Some products are specially designed
for climates that are cold and moist, others
are designed to respond to needs where it hot
and dry. “Our approach is to determine what
is good for the long run. We want to make a
difference in the long run, so we use mate-
rials which are best for the specific environ-
ment in which we operate. You have to adapt
for wherever you are. You have to adapt to
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