16 | Shuler Shoes
munity in which it operates. And as much as
Schuler cares about his customers, it doesn’t
take long to learn he exudes equal measure
of concern for the community that he rec-
ognizes as home and for all who live there.
While some dream of national expansion for
their enterprises, Schuler says his will remain
focused on Minnesota. Though he hints of
possibly opening other locations, or expand-
ing size of existing locations, he has no plans
to locate outside of the state at this time.
Yet, just as shoe styles evolve, so too does
business operations. Schuler Shoes has ex-
panded their virtual presence on the Inter-
net, and they anticipate that technology will
aid in more service to customers as well as
aiding sales in the coming future. Schuler
says the business “does not play the price
game” through its Online market. The prices
advertised Online are consistent with those
in-store. While the technology has been in-
corporated to complement business func-
tion, Schuler says nothing can truly replace
human-to-human contact and interaction.
“Besides, footwear is a little hard to buy On-
line. People still want to try the shoes on,
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