Medi-Weightloss | 3
Inhis considerations onmass andmotion, Isaac Newtononce said, “It is theweight,
not numbers of experiments that is to be regarded.” Yet, when it comes to the re-
garding of weight, too often, too many rely on diet experimentations that ulti-
mately fail to yield the result one hopes to achieve. There is, however, one enter-
prise which is increasingly expanding through a proven formula that is not only
about losingweight, but making the changes necessary to add greater quality and
greater years to the lives of those it serves. And while Medi-Weightloss™ helps en-
hance health of their clients, its business model also provides a healthy option for
potential investors.
Here are a few heavy-duty facts about obe-
sity in America. According to the Centers
for Disease Control, more than one third of
adults in the Unites States (35.7%) qualify
as being obese. Obesity-related conditions,
which include heart disease, type 2 diabe-
tes and some forms of cancer, are among the
leading causes of preventable death. In recent
years, medical costs associated with treating
obesity has been estimated as high as $147
billion, while the annual medical costs con-
fronted by people deemed as obese was an
average of $1,429 higher than those of nor-
mal weight.
On the other side of those statistics, there
are people who often desperately struggle
to overcome challenges with their weight,
who are sometimes equally impacted in both
emotional and mental terms. A 1991 study
found that 80 percent of obese people per-
ceive themselves as physically unattractive,
discriminated against when applying for
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