Connor Manufacturing Services | 3
Albert Camus once observed that the most important task of life involves the formation of relation-
ships. He said, “Human relationships always help us to carry on because they always presuppose fur-
ther developments - a future.” For Connor Manufacturing Services, a pioneering company tasked in
the design and production of precision engineered metal products, both the legacy of success and de-
velopment of strategies to secure future growth, are equally augmented by an appreciable approach
to maintaining relationships.
With more than 100 years of service com-
plementing its efficiencies and expertise in
the design and manufacturing of engineered
metal components, Connor Manufactur-
ing Services has evolved from a family-run
wholesale hardware enterprise into one of
the world’s most respected institutions of
industry. Connor products can be found
enhancing functionality to a wide range of
goods that touch everyday lives, from trucks,
automobiles and office equipment to com-
puters and telecommunication devices, and
lots more. That degree of diversification
might offer some authenticity in Connor’s
adherence to demanding standards of preci-
sion, but it is also a byproduct of precisely-
honed principles involving customer service
and commitment to relationships. In fact,
Connor’s global footprint was largely fos-
tered through their focus on relationships.
To put that in proper perspective, President
Dennis Kwiecinski provides insight into
events that occurred more than 30 years ago,
when so many technology companies began
pulling-up and pulling out from America to
capitalize on production opportunities in
Asia. At that time, California-based Connor
Manufacturing had already been a longtime
supplier of springs used on pagers manufac-
tured by Motorola. That relationship had
evolved to include metal stamping essential
in the production of cell phones. Then, as
fate would have it, Motorola moved opera-
tions to Southeast Asia. Over time, another
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