4 | Clera Windows and Doors
the family atmosphere promoted among the
staff. Everyone at the company is committed
to working as a single-unit, and dedicated to
providing customers with the very best in
quality and service. “We look after our peo-
ple. That’s the main thing,” Kain says, adding
everyone in management is a people person.
He mentions solidarity is a rarity in the
windows and door industry nowadays, and
people come and go because it’s a very com-
petitive market. But with Clera Windows
andDoors it’s the exact opposite – about half
of their workforce have been with the com-
pany more than 15 years. A dedicated and
loyal staff ensures consistency in the quality
of their windows and doors.
“They stay with us because we treat them
very well and we’ll look after them if they
need anything. We’re always there for them,”
he says. “If half of your workforce has been
with you for more than 15 years, you can’t go
Clera Windows and Doors are also clearly
separated from the competition by virtue of
its manufacturing capabilities. While many
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