6 | Alliance Laundry and Textile Services
on health-care linen allows them to provide
attention to detail and quality to every prod-
uct that comes out their facilities.
To ensure quality, every facility is certified
through the Healthcare Laundry Accredita-
tion Council (HLAC), which requires par-
ticipating companies to adhere to safety and
operating standards designed to protect the
staff within the laundries and hospitals, and
the patients they serve. “The HLAC ac-
creditation standards cover many aspects of
a health-care laundry processing operation
– from the use of personal protective cloth-
ing to the maintaining of employee training
records as required by OSHA,” Seaman says.
In terms of safety, Centerstone recently
promoted Andrea Bessel to corporate safety
director. She’s been instrumental in raising
safety awareness through monthly confer-
ence calls with all plant managers, as well
as having monthly site-inspections bringing
best practices to each facility. “The use of
puncture resistant gloves for all soiled sort-
ing staff has prevented any soiled sorting as-
sociate from being stuck with a needle left in
the soiled linen,” he says.
Another advantage to choosing Center-
stone is their IT platform, which is far supe-