8 | Sinor EMS
patient being transported will likely arrive
at the hospital in a matter of minutes, they
might not deploy certain treatments dur-
ing the transport, rather, leave that up to the
hospital staff, thereby saving money in the
interaction. Red says Sinor takes a different
view. As Red says, “For example, we’re not
required to start an IV line. We know the pa-
tient is going to have that at the hospital. But
it’s better care to have already done this prior
to reaching the hospital, that way the hand-
off is more instantaneous, and the medical
team doesn’t have to waste what can be valu-
able minutes doing the same. They can more
quickly administer medicine and focus on
other care that may be required.” He says this
is just one example, and there is any number
of particulars that could emerge from one
call to the next, nonetheless, “Our primary
concern is customers get everything done
that can be done, to the best of our ability
during that time they’re in transit to a hospi-
The no-compromise on quality service
is further compelled by the fact that Sinor
EMS is an integral part of a rural commu-
nity. Unlike operators in large urban areas
who may have no familiarity with the per-
son being transported, Red says, “We live in
small towns. The people we treat, we’ll see
later. Our patients are people we know. We
shop at stores together, we go to church to-
gether, and our medics have moms and dads,
or friends, who may even the person we’re re-
sponding to. We have to do our best because
we will be held accountable, and though this
is a business, we’re a business that is serving
families and neighbors that live here just like
we do.”