Morgan Services | 17
for the reusing, reclaiming and recycling of
resources. While Morgan practices reflect
the company’s attention to environmental
sustainability, Simmons says the company
is equally, if not more, focused on patient
safety. He says Morgan Services members
take great pride and dedication in their role
to help reduce the likelihood of hospital-
acquired infections. While that prompts the
industry’s best practices in laundry care, it has
also led Morgan Services to become a lead-
ing provider of supplies through its divisions
of healthcare, hospitality and environmen-
tal services. The company website at www. features an array of mi-
crofiber products, mats, specialty cleaning
cloths, mops as well as other environmental
service products. They also provide all man-
ner of color and style in the way of hospital
or hospitality apparel. Simmons says a team
is deployed in each division to help custom-
ers determine the best colors and styles to
suit their respective operation. Uniforms
can even be equipped with RF chips which
accommodate tracking and usage patterns
associated with the lifecycle of the garment.
This feature is a real convenience at facili-
ties where scrub suits seem to go missing too
After 125 years of operation, Morgan Ser-
vices has also prospered by forming strategic
relationships which augment its ability to so
effectively serve its customers. For example,
the company has maintained a long-term
relationship with Ellis, an industry lead-
ing manufacturer of washing machines and
other laundry equipment. Morgan Services
has also worked closely with another family-
owned industry leader in Tingue, Brown &
Co., a global supplier and manufacturer of
high-quality finishing equipment products