8 | Filta Environmental Kitchen Solutions
tractedwith a company to develop amachine
that filtered the cooking oil. This was a novel
concept because it offered safety and con-
venience. Filtering, however, also provided
cost-savings. Quite often, the oil may be fine
for cooking, but left-over food sediments
can erode its integrity. Filtering, therefore,
extends the life of the oil, meaning restau-
rants don’t have to spend as much constantly
replacing it. Blake says Sayers original plan
was to simply sell the mechanisms directly to
cafeterias and restaurant operators. As fate
would have it, Sayers became acquainted
with an entrepreneur named Victor Clewes
who was fascinated by the potential for the
mobile filtering devices that Sayers was pro-
moting. These two ultimately resolved to de-
velop an entire business model based on the
providing of safe, convenient, affordable and
environmentally-friendly services to com-
mercial kitchens, cafeterias and restaurants,
establishing FiltaFry in 1996.
Over the years that have followed, the
company has also developed other innova-
tions such as FiltaCool. This provides a cost-
effective and eco-friendly solution to any