Municipality of the County of Kings | 7
from various age groups to draw pictures of
how they see Kings in 2050”, explains Ly-
nette MacLeod, Communication Specialist
for the Municipality of the County of Kings.
“It’s been really interesting to see the vision
that people have created for themselves and
the kind of place they want to raise their
families in.” Moreover, the second phase of
Kings 2050 would be to provide the means
necessary for various community leaders to
work towards a shared vision by drafting de-
tailed policies and regulations. “One of the
biggest tangible pieces to come out of phase
two is that we are looking to collaborate on
the infrastructure, planning and develop-
ment of a single climate change action plan
instead of four separate ones. We will focus
on where the infrastructure is vulnerable and
since we share the same area and infrastruc-
ture, we all can identify the priorities in pro-
tecting our environment,” says Ben.