The City of Dayton - page 12

12 | The City of Dayton
A portion of stimulus money was used to
resurrect the program. Through a deal with
the city’s disposal-service provider, the city
would receive a discount on waste services if
it could collect as much as 500 tons of re-
cycled goods per month. City residents were
provided with 96-gallon containers and for
all who recycled, routine drawings were held
allowing someone to win as much as $100
which helped secure a lot of participation.
The city ultimately achieved its goal and to-
day, waste is not only being spared from local
landfills, but waste fees have been reduced by
more than $100,000 annually.
City Manager Riordan points to Dayton’s
partnership with Montgomery County on
a Green Business Certification program as
one of the most significant and successful of
initiatives that have helped promote sustain-
ability while also helping businesses achieve
greater energy savings as well as distinction
for their own respective environmental stew-
ardship. A voluntary program designed to
help businesses take basic green measures
to reduce their ecological footprint, reduce
their energy and resource use, and save mon-
Eagles Nest
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