8 | Brentwood Senior Living Community
Fore Ranch provides a range of therapy ser-
vices, well beyond the traditional offerings
in physical therapy. Some programs have
been specially designed to incorporate art,
music, horticulture or even pets. The diver-
sity in approach enables means to connect
with almost any interest a resident may have.
Fore Ranch has also developed specialty care
units uniquely catered for helping those af-
flicted with Alzheimer’s. These residents
benefit from services provided by personnel
with customized training as well as their own
Activity/Recreation Director who facilitates
programs and activities succinctly designed
to serve their needs and limitations. Those
with diabetes likewise benefit from special-
ized care and diet plans uniquely customized
for each resident’s requirements.
Adult Day Care is another service Fore
Ranch provides to the greater community.
In addition to offering a means of introduc-
ing the community’s assisted living environ-
ment to potential residents, the Adult Day
Care service has proven critical to helping
working families tend to the care needs of el-
derly or fragile loved ones. For families pro-
viding care for such individuals, Fore Ranch
provides a safe and healthy place to bring a
loved one for temporary relaxation while the
caretakers tends to job duties or other obli-
Fore Ranch will soon launch a new ser-
vice that is posed to fulfill another important
need in the community, in this case, through
the opening of a specialized neural rehabili-